
maintenance and operations

Mainternance & Operations supports every classroom within RUSD. The group maintains the 62,000 light fixtures and 5,300 doors throughout the district 6,000 HVAC units & managers 500,000,000 gallons/year of water. We care for 49 schools that comprise over 3.5 million square feet of facilities on 500 acres of land in a district spread over 93 square miles. Maintenance & Operations understands that we are not just about "nuts and bolts," we are about making sure there is great light to read by, that rooms are dry, that the digital projectors work, that the copies of the grant application look great, and that the school sidewalks are safe. Our driving commitment is to serve the students, teachers, and administrators of the District in a manner which promotes aculture of life-long learning. 

We process more than 30,000 work orders per year through a state of the art system that is allowing us to converge every piece of equipment and every facility into a single data base. That database means we can set priorities about how we manage the Districts assets in an ever more efficient and paperless environment. We are moving toward a system that will allow us to see the entire maintenance and lifecycle history of all our resources and make the best decisions about repair, maintenance and replacement. Not only does it mean we arrive at schools with the right parts on the truck, we know when we arrive if we can combine the service call with preventive maintenance activity to save money and resources for our community.

Maintenance and Operations is comprised of more than 200 people that work in the following groups: Building Trades, Mechanical Trades, Communications, Energy Educators, Grounds & Custodial.