Direct Certification

Direct Certification

The Riverside Unified School District Nutrition Services Department is mandated to process Direct Certification for all students who qualify.

Direct Certification is the federally mandated process that the RUSD Nutrition Services program must use to certify school-age recipients of CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps) and CalWORKs benefits as eligible for free school meals without further application.

Student who are recipients of CALFRESH or CALWORKS are NOT automatically Directly Certified. Students are matched through a database by name and address.

Students who are Directly Certified at ANY time during the current school year will remain eligible throughout the school year and for a 30-day grace period of the next school year.

If you have received a Direct Certification letter from Nutrition Services and you have any additional RUSD students who are not listed please contact Nutrition Services.

If you have any questions or concerns please call Nutrition Services.