Child Welfare

Pupil Services Functions

Pupil Services functions include, but are not limited to:

assistance to schools with attendance cases

  • conducting casework through parent conferences, home calls, preparation of reports, monitoring of attendance
  • serving on School Attendance Review Board
  • assisting schools with preparation for DA truancy mediation meetings

assistance to schools with disciplinary cases

  • involvement with students and their families through the expulsion process until readmission of the student
  • referral to alternative placement pending board of education action
  • monitoring of progress toward completion of readmission conditions
  • other casework follow-up 
  • processing of open enrollment, intra- and interdistrict transfers
  • implementation of the Home/Hospital Temporary Disability Program
  • issuance of work permits for out of school youth
  • processing documentation to establish students residence with someone other than the parent
  • address verification
  • reviewing suspensions and notices of truancy
  • compiling crime report statistics
  • disseminating juvenile court notices and student detention status
  • interpreting Education Codes, district policies, procedures, rules and regulations and other laws
  • hearing suspension appeals
  • providing inservices
  • child abuse reporting
  • suspension/expulsion
  • Administrative Hearing Pane



  • SAP Counselors provide individual and group counseling, connect families and students to school and community resources, conduct classroom lessons, enhance school wide PBIS systems, provide prevention services for bullying, violence, and substance abuse, and support families through meetings, support groups, and workshops. 
  • SAP School Psychologists and SAP Prevention Assistants work with site staff on matters related to students’ behavioral needs.  They provide consultation, participate in parent meetings, including SST Meetings, and enhance PBIS school wide systems. 
  • SAP Administration is located at the Central Registration Center.
  • SAP staff work with students demonstrating social, emotional, or behavioral concerns impacting their ability to fully participate in instruction and/or school activities. 
  • School staff may complete referrals for students to the SAP Counselor.  Students and parents may also make referrals to SAP Counseling for Social-emotional concerns including recent loss, appearing depressed, behavior, bullying, displaying signs of possible substance use or abuse, inconsistent school attendance, sudden drop in grades, family conflict or turmoil, etc.
  • Referrals to the SAP Psychologists and Prevention Assistants occur through the Student Success Team (SST) process for behavioral concerns including lack of response to school wide and classroom expectations, lack of appropriate social-skills, or aggression, withdrawal, damage to property, etc.