Latin Honors will be recognized for students graduating beginning with the Class of 2019. This honor is designed to recognize a student's academic achievement over their four year high school career (first 7 semesters). Latin Honors is replacing the former Valedictorian/Salutatorian system. The Class of 2022 and beyond will not recognize the Valedictorian/Salutatorian designations.
Additionally, the Latin Honors System should not be connected to or compared with the site based Honor Roll recognition. Honor Roll is based on a single semester's achievement, while the Latin Honors looks at a student's academic career in total. The GPA cut-points may differ between Latin Honors and Honor Roll. A student's past Honor Roll participation does not have a direct connection to Latin Honors.
Students that earn a Latin Honors designation will be recognized in the graduation program and their honor will be included on their final transcript.
Latin Honors Categories:
Summa Cum Laude (With the Highest Praise) - The top recognition awarded, 3.90+
Magna Cum Laude (With Great Praise) - The second highest recognition, 3.70 - 3.89
Cum Laude (With Praise) - The third highest recognition, 3.50 - 3.69
Latin Honors is based on Total Unweighted GPA, which is on a 4.0 point scale.
Distinction Categories:
Students who Challenge themselves with a more rigorous course of study will receive additional distinction within the Latin Honors System. Distinction points can be earned by completing honors, AP, IB, and/or college credit courses with grades of C- or better. Distinction points will be totaled at the end of the first semester of a student's senior year.
Highest Honors: 16+ points
High Honors: 11 - 15.5 points
Honors: 6 - 10.5 points
Distinction: 0.5 - 5.5 points
Earning Distinction Points
Honors - 0.5 point per semester
AP/IB/College Credit - 1.0 point per semester
Student A has a 3.60 unweighted total GPA and 11 distinction points - Student will graduate Cum Laude with High Honors
Student B has a 3.90 unweighted total GPA and 4.5 distinction points - Student will graduate Summa Cum Laude with Distinction
Student C has a 3.80 unweighted total GPA and 0 disctinction points - Student will graduate Magna Cum Laude