School Counseling Week 2019 is sponsored by the American School Counselor
Association (ASCA), and will be celebrated from Feb. 4-8, 2019. "School Counsellors: Providing Lessons
for Life," is this year’s theme which will focus public attention on the
unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. The week highlights the tremendous impact
school counselors have in helping students achieve school success and plan for
a career.
In a proclamation, the city of Riverside cited RUSD
school counselors for being actively engaged in helping students examine their
abilities, strengths, interests and talents; for working in a partnership with
parents as they encounter the challenges of raising children in today's world;
for focusing on positive ways to enhance students' social/personal, educational
and career development; and working with teachers and other educators to
provide an educational system where students can realize their potential and
set healthy, realistic and optimistic aspirations for themselves. Professional
school counselors are certified, experienced educators with a master's degree
in guidance and counseling. The combination of their training and experience
makes them an integral part of the total educational program.
RUSD counselors
help all students reach their potential in the areas of academic achievement,
career development, and personal/social development, ensuring students become
productive well-adjusted contributing members of our communities. Their contributions to educating our students
and families is evident in the local and national recognition they have brought
to RUSD which include:
- Consistently
increasing graduation and college going rates
- Assisting
students and families to apply and qualify for Financial Aid
- Increase
student exposure to Career Technical Education options
- Address
student mental health needs
- Poly
High School counseling department designated as a Recognized ASCA Model Program
- Riverside
City Proclamation February 26, 2019 at City Hall
- Advocate
for all students
Thank you school
counselors for all your hard work and dedication to students and our community.