Family Resource Center

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Family Resource Center

RUSD Family Resource Center Main Office

6735 Magnolia Avenue, Portable B6
Riverside, CA, 92506
(951) 328-4003

Monday - Friday
7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Extended office hours by appointment only.

RUSD Family Resource Center at Community Settlement Association

4366 Bermuda Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507
(951) 328-4003

Starting February 2, 2025
Mondays - 
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Wednesdays - 8:00 am to 12:30 pm
Extended office hours by appointment only.

Update: The RUSD Family Resource Center at Cesar Chavez Community Center/Bobby Bonds Sports Complex is closed due to facility renovations.  Please visit us at the locations listed above.

family smiling

The RUSD Family Resource Center's Mission is to "Improve student learning and development, strengthen family practices, and leverage school programs by integrating resources and services from the community."

Please contact us for assistance at (951) 328-4003.

Connections To School And District Services:

  • Support for newly enrolled students and families
  • Assistance with registration, data confirmation, transfers, special programs
  • Access to email, Aeries Parent Portal, and ParentSquare Accounts
  • District supports, including student health services, counseling, early childhood programs, homeless support services, and dropout prevention, among other services...

Linkages To Community Resources:

  • Tutoring and after-school programs
  • Child care resources
  • Parenting support
  • Access to health and wellness services
  • Food, utilities, housing, and emergency support
  • Among other resources...
Family Engagement And Leadership Development:

Family engagement workshops are available throughout the school year to support student learning, wellness, and college and career readiness.


Family engagement and leadership development academies equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge and skills to support student learning and wellness at home and school.  Programs include Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), Transition to College, Opening Doors School Readiness, Family Literacy Project, and the School Smarts Parent Engagement Program.

Positive Parenting Programs:

Parenting support programs strengthen parenting and communication skills through knowledge of child development, positive discipline, and effective parent-and-child interactions.  Parenting programs include the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), Nurturing Parent, Strengthening Families, The Parent Project, and family wellness workshops.

Digital Literacy Skills:

The Digital Equity Program equips parents and caregivers with basic computer skills, email communications, digital citizenship, affordable internet options, and student learning resources.  It also includes a free refurbished desktop computer.

Please visit the FRC Calendar of Activities for a complete listing of workshops and activities.


Cafecito Amigos de RUSD :

A 2023 Golden Bell recipient offers a safe place for participants to connect, share information, and access valuable resources to support student learning and well-being.  The thriving online community fosters peer support, community connections, and leadership.  Spanish only. 

Family Engagement Summit:

This mega-resource event for families features workshops, demonstrations, and information tables highlighting best practices for supporting student learning and college and career readiness.  Sessions include presentations from the University of California (UC), Cal State University (CSU), private universities, and local community colleges. The annual fall event showcases RUSD programs, higher education, and community partner services.

You are Enough:  

To commemorate May Mental Health Awareness Month, RUSD You are Enough events focus on social-emotional wellness and its connection to nutrition and physical health.  Family wellness workshops highlight strategies and resources to support behavior, mental health, and physical wellness.  A community event features wellness demonstrations, interactive activities, and over 30 local health and wellness resources for the entire family.  

Family Wellness

Family Support Services:

Individualized family support services are provided to promote the health and wellness of students and families.  Services acknowledge and value families' diversity and expertise and are founded on trusting relationships between parents, caregivers, and staff.  A multi-generational approach promotes agency and empowers individuals with information and tools to succeed and thrive.  Services are personalized and tailored to each family's needs.  Please call us at (951) 328-4003 for support.

Family Resource Center Staff Directory