The State and Federal Programs Office (SFPO) oversees Riverside Unified School District’s federal programs and provides technical support to school sites about federal requirements mandated in the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA). Examples of technical support provided to schools include: school plan development, adherence to federal requirements, operating a School Site Council and improving student achievement in a Title I program.
RUSD Federal Programs
Title I provides supplemental funds to ensure children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards. The intent of Title I funding is to meet the educational needs of low-achieving students enrolled in the highest poverty schools and to close the achievement gap between high- and low-performing children. Title I funding is based on the percentage of students who qualify for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Title I services are provided at the following RUSD schools:
Adams Elementary, Alcott Elementary, Arlington High, Beatty Elementary, Bryant Elementary, Central Middle, Chemawa Middle, Emerson Elementary, Fremont Elementary, Gage Middle, Harrison Elementary, Hawthorne Elementary, Highgrove Elementary, Highland Elementary, Jackson Elementary, Jefferson Elementary, Liberty Elementary, Lincoln High, Longfellow Elementary, Madison Elementary, Magnolia Elementary, Monroe Elementary, Mountain View Elementary, North High, Opportunity Program, Pachappa Elementary, Poly High, Raincross Alternative School, Ramona High, Riverside Virtual School (TK - 12), Sierra Middle, Summit View, Sunshine Preschool, Taft Elementary, University Heights Middle, Victoria Elementary, and Washington Elementary
Please contact the school principal to find out more about a school’s Title I program.
Title II funds provide supplemental activities that strengthen the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders throughout the district. Examples of activities include the new teacher induction program, professional development offerings, and the Professional Growth Systems program.
Title III funds ensure English learner (EL) students attain English language proficiency and meet the same challenging academic standards that all students are expected to meet. Supplemental support is provided throughout the district by providing high-quality language instruction and professional development for teachers and other school staff.
Title IV, Part A supplemental funds are used throughout the district to improve student achievement by supporting students with access to a well-rounded education, improving school conditions for student learning and improving technology use with the intent of improving academic achievement and digital literacy for all students.
For more information, please contact: