Mandatory Attendance
Students are expected to attend school every day. Education Code 48290 sets out the basic authorization for the County District Attorney to hold parents accountable for their school-age children’s attendance.
Notification Letters to Parents
The School District Office mails home three types of notification to alert parents of an attendance problem and urging parents to take corrective action. The types of notification are Tardy Letter, Excessive Excused Absences Letters, and Truancy Letters.
School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
Any student with habitual truancy or excessive absences or chronic absences will be considered for recommendation to the School Attendance Review Board. If the student continues to miss school after the SARB Hearing, the matter is referred to the courts. Courts can then use penalties or other measures to seek compliance with compulsory school attendance.
School district level support includes the following:
- Regular meetings with school districts to assess attendance program development and to provide suggestions, resources, and/or examples of best practices for future growth.
- Professional development and workshops on a variety of attendance related topics.
- District SARB meeting observations to support successful district attendance meetings with families.
- District attendance team or attendance committee building support, including volunteering as a member of the district attendance team.
School site support includes the following:
- School site support attendance team building partnership, including volunteering to be a member of a school site’s attendance team. Attendance teams may work on Tier 1 systems re: student engagement, parent involvement, and school climate. Teams may also work on data analysis, communication, outreach, and Tier 2 interventions, among other topics.
- School site SART meeting observations to support successful school site attendance meetings with families.
- Parent Group Attendance Presentations when requested by school sites.
- Student Group Attendance Presentations when requested by school sites.
- Training and ongoing professional development on important topics related to school site attendance practices.
How do we support our RUSD community?
- Tier 3 attendance support
- Home visits
- SARB Hearings
- Collaborating with school sites/Foster/McKinney Vento/Special Programs
- Community agency referrals
Frequently Asked Questions