Certificated Job Descriptions


Adult Ed Teacher
Band Teacher - Elementary School
Band Teacher - High School
Categorical Program Specialist
Choir Teacher - High School
Counselor on Special Assignment (COSA)
CTE Automotive Teacher
CTE Technical Theater Teacher
Deaf and Hard of hearing Specialist Itinerant
District School Nurse 

District Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) - HEARTS & PrimeTime Expanded Learning Program 
Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Teacher
Early Childhood Teacher
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Preschool Teacher
Elementary Inclusive Practices Specialist

High School Student Advisor Special Education 
Home-Based Program Teacher
Infant-Toddler Program Teacher
Instrumental Music Teacher - Elementary
Itinerant Elementary Music Teacher
JROTC - Marine Corp Instructor
JROTC - Senior Military Instructor
NJROTC - Senior Naval Science Instructor 
Middle School Student Advisor Special Education
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Counselors - Elementary
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Counselors - Secondary
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Liaison
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) School Psychologist

Preschool Inclusive Practices Specialist
Preschool Teacher
Professional Growth System (PGS) - Support Teacher
Project Team - Vocational Education - SDC Mild/Moderate
Project Team - Vocational Education - Moderate/Severe
Reading Specialist
Resource Specialist (RSP)
School Counselor
School Psychologist
School Psychologist, Crisis Prevention and Intervention
School Psychologist - Student Assistant Program (SAP)
Secondary Inclusive Practices Specialist
Special Education Teacher Mild/Moderate
Special Education Teacher Moderate/Severe
Special Education Teacher Pre-School
Speech Language Pathologist
Staff Development Specialist - Site Team Support
State Preschool Teacher 50%/Teacher on Special Assignment 50%-
MTSS/Inclusive Practices

Substitute Teacher

Teacher on Special Assignment
Teacher on Special Assignment - Math TK-6
Teacher on Special Assignment - Math 7-12

Teacher on Special Assignment - Attendance and Student Support
Teacher on Special Assignment - African American Achievement
Teacher on Special Assignment - English Learners TK-6
Teacher on Special Assignment - HEARTS/PrimeTime Expanded Learning
Teacher on Special Assignment - HEARTS
Teacher on Special Assignment - Innovation and Learner Engagement
Teacher on Special Assignment PGS - Team Lead
Teacher on Special Assignment - Personalized Learning

Teacher on Special Assignment - Early Childhood (Preschool) Teacher
Teacher on Special Assignment - Pupil Services
Teacher on Special Assignment - Pupil Services (McKinney Vento
Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant Funded)

Teacher on Special Assignment - Riverside Virtual School TK-8
Teacher on Special Assignment - Strengths Coach
Teacher on Special Assignment - Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA) - Ramona
Teacher on Special Assignment - Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA)
Teacher - Basic Job Specifications
Teacher - Reading Specialist
Technology Specialist
Theater Teacher
Virtual Teacher