Department of Rehabilitation
DOR is a valuable resource for Californians with disabilities. The department offers a variety of services for individuals with disabilities. DOR services are tailored to each person to help them reach their employment goal.
Individuals with disabilities and rehabilitation counselors work together to determine which services will provide the best support to prepare for, find, or retain a job.
What are DOR Student Services?
DOR Student Services are activities that support students in exploring and preparing for the world of work. Services are based on student interests – students can try a bunch of activities, or just a few.
DOR Inland Empire District | 2010 Iowa Avenue, Suite 100 | Riverside, CA 92507
(951) 782-6650 (voice) | (951) 782-3296 (TTY) |
WorkAbility I is funded by a grant from the California Department of Education Special Education Department
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