Healthy schools lead to healthy students. And healthy students are more likely to reach their full potential. Using a one-of-a-kind digital platform and an evidenced-based approach, our programs help schools and districts adopt policies and practices that result in healthier, happier students. Our work in schools aligns with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) & Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development’s (ASCD) Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model. This means that in addition to focusing on physical activity and healthy eating, we also address multiple, critical child and adolescent health issues, such as social-emotional health and sleep.
To date, we’ve helped 44,500 schools nationwide transform their campuses and communities into places where students thrive physically, emotionally, and academically.
The Resilience in School Environments (RISE) Initiative, presented by Healthier Generation and Kaiser Permanente, empowers schools to create safe and supportive learning environments by developing policies and practices that improve the social-emotional health of all students and staff. A safe and supportive school can increase students’ academic performance as well as job satisfaction and performance in adults.
Visit Healthier Generation or contact our virtual program manager Alexis Lassus ([email protected])